Thursday, March 11, 2010

who do we think we are?To be so ignorant and to think we are better than poor countries.

Here we go again continuing to be ignorant as usual. People in our society today are sooo ignorant some dont even know where their ancestors came from.The most thing i hate is when people say "you look african" , or do you'll wear clothes in Africa,(how ignorant is that). So ofcourse i have to come with a comeback lol. So i say " no we dont wear clothes in Africa but when one of us get shipped to America like me,we rock your clothes like you never would, we wear more name brands than you can afford. (Hey)im just saying. If you truly know where you come from , you would know that your ancestors came from africa. Why do we have to be so ignorant sometimes. (i guess there is no answer for that). My point is that no matter where you came from we are all africans no matter what you think it is, so lets not be so ignorant about it.

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alt="Wordle: My unforgetable wordle"
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Kelcie said...

It doesn't help that in TV in America, they either show starving kids, tribal African groups, genocide, or wildlife. There's more to the continent than that.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah that is SOOO stupid! "Do you wear clothes in Africa?" C'mon now of course they do? That's just people being caught up in their stereotypes. It's a shame.

Jon said...

Come to think of it I haven't been intrested in the past as much as I should. Now that it's brought up I see that yes while the t.v shows how kids are starving in the place where my ancestors were born..I find it said that people can broadcast the fact and still go home and say it's just a job at the end of the day..But as far as my ignorance I have ways to go thank you

Anonymous said...

People these days aree very ignorant. Ignorance is really bliss. People suffer from what they don't know. It's really sad though; the fact that people don't realize that their ancestors are in fact African.

Miss Jones said...

I agree we all seem to think that were different from others but in gods view were all brothers and sisters so looking down on someone is not really suitable.

-Dblocker said...

ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, smh.. stereotypes are killing us as people.

J.Santos said...

I can see where youre comming from with this... People always think im MOTHER F*%&$NG "hispanic" because my name is Jorge seriously? that doesnt mean ANYTHING. If people didnt know im actually full blooded African (both mother and father are from Cape Verde...which is in africa) so like seriously, before people start talking and what not...they should know what the hell theyre talking about.

Divine Interception said...

This is a very good blog topic fatou..very nice..;) people are ignorant to the fullest..